
Fabien's Imaginarium

My creativity corner is full of weird tales, surreal art, game design, and inspired poetry. Sometimes I share these things here, especially my writings. Thank you for checking them out, and I hope you enjoy them! - Fabien  Max Waits Novel :  Love is Hell Offered as a PDF / Softcover Book / Hardcover Book on DriveThruFiction ( OneBookshelf ) Love is Hell Short Stories : Apocalypse Hope  (fiction inspired by the  MÖRK BORG tabletop rpg) Align The Stars (coming soon, fiction inspired by Cthulhu  and the mythos) Other writing contributions (Roleplaying Games):  Q'Val, Blooded Devoted        Wilderness, Houses of the Blooded  (Supplement) Montaigne        Nations of Théah, Volume 1  (7th Sea 2nd Edition Supplement) The Jacques Ferrand Fragment      'Fragments of the King' (Kickstarter Exclusive Reward for the  Curse of the Yellow Sign )

[Fiction] Apocalypse Hope

This bit of fiction was inspired by my encountering the MÖRK BORG tabletop roleplaying game. It's a wonderfully depressing setting that is gritty and unforgiving. I started with creating several characters using the game, then used fiction to justify their starting equipment and went from there. The fiction aims to demonstrates how a party of characters could form organically within a doomed setting. Enjoy!

[RPG] Banners: Fabien's Campaign Details

Banners Tabletop Roleplaying Game Banners is a tabletop roleplaying game by the illustrious  John Wick . Below is a brief explanation directly quoted from the Crowdfunder campaign: WHAT IS BANNERS? BANNERS  is the first new roleplaying game from multi-award winning RPG designer JOHN WICK in 6 years. Inspired by games such as  BIRTHRIGHT ,  PENDRAGON , and  A GAME OF THRONES , Banners puts the players in the roles of officers of a Banner: a region of land ruled by a monarch called "the Crown." They are the Crown's inner circle of experts and advisors who protect the Banner from dangers. They are the Crown's spies, bodyguards, spiritual advisors, and generals. But there's more to a Banner than just its people. Players also create the Banner itself, its history, enemies and allies, triumphs and tragedies. And as time passes, their characters grow older, and eventually, pass their titles to younger characters ready to take up the challenge. Here are some campaign sett

[RPG] Glowing Sea & Electric Skies: Hazards

Glowing Sea & Electric Skies, A Mutant Crawl Classics homebrew setting Part Two - Hazards Roaming the wasteland is dangerous, yet every tribe, big or small, must endeavor to gather resources that will give the tribe an edge. Seekers will slowly become accustomed to the various hazards that their region represents. In the setting of Glowing Sea & Electric Skies (GS&ES), random encounter tables are used to determine what the Player Characters encounter when they are wandering the wasteland. When I'm running a hex crawl, these will come in handy. I won't bore you with the basic or advanced techniques of creating Random Encounter Tables, but it's important to note that I'm keeping "bell curve" probabilities of 2D6 in mind when creating these. Starting with three types of Hazards: Hostile, Terrain, Weather. Each Hazard has three Categories: Natural, Radioactive, Technological. I'm hoping to build some random tables from these, with

[RPG] Glowing Sea & Electric Skies: Vehicles, Mounts, and Mounted Combat in MCC RPG

Glowing Sea & Electric Skies, A Mutant Crawl Classics homebrew setting Vehicles Mutant Crawl Classics does not seem to support rules for motorized vehicles beyond the few entries on page 183 and it's definitely something that I want to include into the setting of Glowing Sea & Electric Skies. While the PCs may not be part of a tribe of combustion engine worshipping madmen (in the style of Mad Max: Fury Road), encountering roaming bands of dangerous raiders in armored vehicles is part of the setting I envision. I looked for third party options either to port over directly or to get inspiration from. I've come across a couple rules systems that expand on vehicle combat and chases which are worth exploring for those that enjoy a crunchier approach:  Umerican Survival Guide , by Reid San Filippo and  Vehicle Mayhem , by Jonathan Snodgrass. While I enjoyed these systems, they present a level of complexity that I don't want to emulate in my games. Ultimately, I want

[RPG] Glowing Sea & Electric Skies, a Mutant Crawl Classics setting

I recently bought the Mutant Crawl Classics Roleplaying Game (MCC RPG by Goodman Games ) and a new campaign is percolating in the back of my head. Mutant Crawl Classics is a derivative of Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG (DCC RPG). The Old School Renaissance is alive and well and grants us a new generation of roleplaying games being produced with the influences of the first roleplaying games published. Where DCC is influenced by Dungeons & Dragons, MCC is influenced by Gamma World, a post-apocalyptic setting with mutants and all sorts of fun crazy things. Where DCC strives to emulate the Appendix N literature , MCC strives to emulate the Appendix M . Since I have not read that many post-apocalyptic novels (have I even read any?), my influences will be taken from other media, specifically Mad Max (films and video game) and Fallout (video games), with zombie apocalypse media thrown in (The Walking Dead). I'm also adding elements from Tsutomu Nihei 's BLAME! and Biomega manga seri